2024 Rates
Want the Pro Coach Experience without the high price tag or simply want to work more reps, improved footwork speed and puck tracking under a pro coaches supervision, this is the option for you! Your child will be with 2 to 5 other goalies. Every 2 goalies have their own net. The cost is 62.50$ but if you train multiple times a week it cam go down to 50$, and that's including tax!
Coaches whom do this for a living. Generally our Pro coaches have been coaching goaltenders for a minimum of 10 years( closer to 15 with the founder going on 25 years). Some with Pro experience, others with good stories as to why they didn't make it.
Drop-in Sessions - 87.5$
10 Sessions anytime -
Save 5%
Coaches with 5-10 years experience, often having been coached by the founder of BGG. They generally have a multi disciplinary approach, either thru coaching minor hockey, off-ice trainers or even having played a majority of their youth as players.
Drop-in Sessions - 67.5$
10 Sessions anytime -Save 5%
Coaches whose experience ranges from 1-5 years but whom were all trained by BGG Pro Coaches growing up. I can't tell you how many times a supervising Pro coach goes in to correct and the Junior coach tells them they just said that very same correction. Now that's consistency!
Drop-in Sessions with Junior Coaches - 45$
Every Week 10 pack discount - Save 5%
2021 Rates
Coaches whom do this for a living. Generally our Pro coaches have been coaching goaltenders for a minimum of 10 years( closer to 15 with the founder going on 25 years). Some with Pro experience, others with good stories as to why they didn't make it.
Drop-in Sessions - 87.50$
10 Sessions anytime -
Save 5%
Coaches with 5-10 years experience, often having been coached by the founder of BGG. They generally have a multi disciplinary approach, either thru coaching minor hockey, off-ice trainers or even having played a majority of their youth as players.
Drop-in Sessions - 67.50$
10 Sessions anytime - Save 5%
Coaches whose experience ranges from 1-5 years but whom were all trained by BGG Pro Coaches growing up. I can't tell you how many times a supervising Pro coach goes in to correct and the Junior coach tells them they just said that very same correction. Now that's consistency!
Drop-in Sessions with Junior Coaches - 45$
Every Week 10 pack discount - Save 5%
Want the Pro Coach Experience without the high price tag or simply want to work more reps, improved footwork speed and puck tracking under a pro coaches supervision, this is the option for you! Your child will be with 2 to 5 other goalies. Every 2 goalies have their own net. The cost is 62.50$ but if you train multiple times a week it cam go down to 50$, and that's including tax!
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